Sunday, November 2, 2014

Finally Crossing the Sea of Dreams

  If I could really explain how I feel right now, I would say something along the lines that none of this seems real. My dad told me yesterday that I am to accompany him on a trip to Italy, Spain, and Paris, France.

I can't believe it

  I will be joining him in California in mid January, and we will be flying out on the 15th. for a ten day trip to those three destinations.  I have to get my passport, and make sure that I am prepared for the cold weather (which I have dearly missed since moving away from Maine in 2012).  On top of all that, I still need to make sure I get my Christmas chopping done before, well, Christmas.

  As well as accompanying my dad, his girlfriend will be flying out a bit before us, and I will be meeting her family over in Italy, which makes me a bit nervous, since I am an enormous introvert. But I won't be one to complain, since this whole trip is a gift from my dad. I feel I shall never be able to thank him enough. My dreams are coming true...

Today is the day I start my journey to see the world

Friday, July 4, 2014

My First Post

  So, today is the day I write my first post for this blog. I plan of making this blog about my travels, so, wherever I go will be recorded on here. I typically go to California to visit my dad, so that will be on here; and hopefully in my future I will have visited other countries. It's one of my dreams to visit different countries, so maybe I'll get my chance to.